Monday, August 4, 2008

Kunz Reunion

Yet another reunion. This time it was the Kunz, my dad's family if you didn't know. We had a hot dog cookout at my uncle Griff's house on Friday. We had fun just sitting around BSing with each other. Then on Saturday we went to the lake. We had a potluck lunch, and then headed down to the lake for some fun in the sun. It was really nice to just sit in the water and talk. My cousin Jared had fun dunking Tarhea, his girlfriend's son Cameron, and me, we couldn't dunk him. Then Tarhea and I talked in the lake while the Camerons and Boedenn went in and played in the sand. That night we took a jeep ride over to Griff's house to see my cousin Monte. He had bike trouble so he didn't get into town till later Saturday. It was so fun to see all my family, we are really spread out. It was weird to not have my Grandpa or RoseMary there, but it was still a really fun reunion.
Jake and Dayna

Aunt Merllyn and her son

Tarhea looking happy;)

Cameron and Tony talking men's softball

Jared and his family

Gene and everyone talking

Uncle Griffy

More talking

Grandma and Mya

Mom just shooting the breeze, still

Us talking, probably still softball ; )

Boedenn spitting, my dad loves this picture

Eating at the lake

Mom, Grandma, and Tamey

Us walking out to the water

The boys coming in, they were too cold, babies:)

Cameron and Cameron playing football

Cameron cooking his famous golden marshmallows

Mom rocking out:)

Aunt Judy Knutti, and Gene

The boys, My dad, Monte, and Gene


Anonymous said...

Those are great pics!!

Julie M. said...

Found you off Brooke's blog. I'm Lane Matthews' wife. Anyway, just had to comment, because isn't Tahrea always looking happy?! :) Made me laugh!

Hubers said...

Wow- it looks like you guys had a blast!! I wish that my reunions turned out that way :D

Harris said...

You guys have had a very eventful summer...reunions and games all summer long...isn't it so fun!!